Straumann® BLX Implant System

Confidence beyond Immediacy.

Straumann® BLX, the winning combination of innovative design and surface technology with high-performance material designed for predictable results you can trust.

Dynamic Bone Management

Redistribution of native bone and control over insertion torque to achieve optimal primary stability.

Esthetic Ease Concept

Simplified but versatile portfolio, featuring one connection and under-contoured prosthetics.

Real Confidence

Swiss precision and quality with Roxolid® material and SLActive® surface.

Straumann® BLX Brochure

Sink your teeth into the technical product details of the Straumann® BLX implant system. The strength of its features and benefits will make you want to experience the confidence beyond immediacy right away.

Straumann® BLX / TLX Digital Connectivity

Check the workflow for your scanner.

Clinical Cases

Technical information at a glance

Anna and the lion

The lion is the hero of our BLX campaign. Anna, the little girl, is the secret star. Anna and the lion represent a story about confidence. But what do a brave little girl and a lion have in common with a leading provider of dental products? 

What leading experts say

  • «Even in my dreams, I didn’t believe that we can achieve an implant like this»

    Ophir Fromovich, Israel

  • «As long as you have primary stability, the world is your oyster»

    Blackie Swart, South Africa

  • «It’s simple, versatile, and flexible.»

    Dr. Eirik Salvesen, Norway

  • «100% of the time we achieve the stability and what we want for the patient.»

    Dr. Leon Pariente, Dr. Karim Dada, France

  • «Reliable, efficient, and stable.»

    Dr. Alfonso Caiazzo, Italy

Drakenstein lion park

Straumann has decided to support the Drakenstein Lion Park with regular donations and to adopt a lion. Drakenstein Lion Park was established in 1998 to provide lions in distress with sanctuary, where they could live in safety, free from abuse and exploitation and be treated with the compassion and respect they deserve. 

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1 Kim SK, Koak JY, Heo JS, Taylor TD, Ryoo S, Lee SY: Screw loosening with interchangeable abutments in internally connected implants after cyclic loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012; 27:42-47 
2 Data on file.
3 Sakaguchi RL, Douglas WH, DeLong R, Pintado MR. The wear of a posterior composite in an artificial mouth: a clinical correlation. Dent Mater 1986;2(6):235-240.
4 Rosentritt M, Behr M, Gebhard R, Handel G. Influence of stress simulation parameters on the fracture strength of all-ceramic fixed partial dentures. Dent Mater 2006:22(2):176-182.