Paula Chiattone Corvello Vidal graduated from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) in 2005 and in 2007 became a specialist in CTBMF at ULBRA (Canoas/RS). In 2009 she defended her Master's Degree in Oral Rehabilitation – Emphasis in Implantology by the same University. Currently studying Specialization in DTM and Orofacial at ABO/RS. Since her graduation she works in his private clinic. She has been a professor of the Specialization Course in Implantology at ABO/RS since 2009. Member of the postgraduate faculty at IMED Porto Alegre. She is the director of the ITI Study Club Porto Alegre II, ITI Fellow and Speaker.
Specialization fields: Oral Surgery, Maxiofacial Surgery, Implantology, Periodontics, Temporomandibular disorder, orofacial pain
Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Biomaterials, Guided Surgery, GBR, Implants in general

Center of Dental Education
Vidal Odontologia
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Website: www.vidalodontologia.com.br
Telefone: +55 (51) 33303267