Colin is a dentist and Specialist in Oral Surgery practising in Nottingham, England. He qualified as a dentist in 1994 and gained experience as a junior in Head and Neck Surgery prior to entering practice and becoming a Specialist in Oral Surgery. He placed his first dental implant in 1998 and since then has placed over 6,000 dental implants and carried out more than 10,000 other surgical procedures. In 2013 he founded The Campbell Clinic and The Campbell Academy in Nottingham to provide multi-disciplinary Specialist dental care and dental education.
Colin is a Senior ITI Fellow and a member of the Education Committee. He also sits on the Fellowship Committee of the ITI UK & Ireland Section. He has recently been appointed as the Editor in Chief of the ITI Academy and Global Ambassador for Business Education for the ITI. Colin was also previously a member of the Leadership Team of the ITI UK & Ireland Section.
Colin’s clinical interests include sinus grafting, anterior aesthetic implant placement and all aspects of bone augmentation in implant.
Specialization fields: Oral Surgery
Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Digital Solutions, Biomaterials, Guided Surgery, Practice Management, Zygomatic

Center of Dental Education
The Campbell Clinic
Nottingham, UK
Website: www.campbell-clinic.co.uk
Telephone: 0115 9823913