Dr. Alfonso Caiazzo received his dental degree at the University of Naples, Italy, in 1991. He went through a residency program in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery at TUFTS University in Boston, USA from 1993-1997. He was clinical instructor at the same University in the department of oral surgery in 1998. From 1997 to 1999 he did a fellowship in Implant dentistry at the New York University, New York USA.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (Boston University) President Elect of the Italian society of oral surgery and implant dentistry (SICOI) 2015-2016 Founding member of the IAO (Italian Academy of Osteointegration) Vice President IAO (Italian Academy of Osteointegration) 2017-2018 President IAO (Italian Academy of Osteointegration) 2019-2020 Certified in Wilckodontics.
He is Fellow of the European Federation of Oral Surgery Societies (EFOSS) Co-editor of the book Orthodontically Driven Corticotomy, Wiley-Blackwell 2015 Co-author of the chapter Implant dentistry in Oral Surgery for the General Dentist, Wiley-Blackwell 2015 Author of several articles in International Journals.
Specialization fields: Oral Surgery
Expertise Topics: Biomaterials

Center of Dental Education
Centro Odontoiatrico Salernitano
Salerno, Italy
Website: www.centrodontoiatricosalernitano.it
Phone: +39 089791466