Inge De Latte
- Medical degree, Catholic University Leuven, 1997
- Dental degree, Catholic University Leuven, 2000
- Clinical lecturer degree, 1998
- Hospital management, Vlerick management school, Belgium, 2003
- Training maxillofacial surgery: UZ Leuven and AZ St. Jan Brugge, 2000-2004
Dr. Inge De Latte works as a maxillofacial surgeon in the department of maxillofacial and implant surgery in AZ Sint Lucas hospital and in a private practice in the city centre of Ghent. Recently she became the head of the department. Since 2004 she works with Straumann dental implants. Her focus goes to complex implant cases, preprothetic surgery like hip and cranial grafts and immediacy. Since 2017 MONDENKAAK GENT was appointed as «Center of Excellence» for Straumann in the topic of immediacy. Since 2002 she has continously lectured in Belgium about preprothetic and implant surgery. Her focus now are BLX and TLX implant cases. She organised several regional live events concerning this topic.
Specialization fields: Oral Surgery, Maxiofacial Surgery, Implantology
Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Ceramic Implants
As a woman and maxillofacial surgeon, I think it's really important we work on our capabilities to become a part of the advanced surgery implant community.
I love sports, I love to be with my family and friends, I want to be friendly and relaxed an most important of all I just keep in mind: "you can do everything but it will never be perfect and that's allright".
Inge De Latte

Center of Dental Education
Division of Maxillo-Facial and Implant Surgery, centrum mondenkaak Ghent
Ghent, Belgium
Website: www.mondenkaak.be
Telefone: +3292233193