ACADEMY: Member of the (CNCD) National College of Dental Surgeons, Member of the (IADR) International Association for Dental Research, Former - President of the (AMP) Mexican Academy of Prosthodontics, Certified by the Mexican Council of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Member of the (AAID) American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Fellow of the (ITI) International Team of Implantology, Former Education Delegate of the (ITI) Mexico Section 2008 - 2016, Member of the International Education Committee ITI Group Headquarters, Fellow of the (ICD) International College of Dentists, Member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, Member of the (APS) American Society of Prosthodontics, President of the (APP) United Association for Prosthodontics, President of the (ITI) Mexico Section 2017 to date.
ACADEMIC STANDING: Researcher and Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Chair and Professor of Oral Prosthetics and Implantology in the Postgraduate Studies and Research Division of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Director of the ITI/UNAM Scholarship Center, Coordinator of the Blue and Gold Study Club 1, Mexico City, advisor, opinion leader, lecturer and national and international speaker for ITI, Straumann, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Heraeus.
Specialization fields: Prosthodontics.
Expertise Topics: Immediacy, Biomaterials, Short Implants, Guided Surgery, Ceramic Implants.

Center of Dental Education
México City, México
Website: https://dentallcare.mx/
Teléfono: (55) 56613990, (55) 5661 6446