Luiz Carlos Carmo Filho


Periodontist and Implantodontist

Researcher, Coordinator of Specialization Courses in Periodontics and Implantology, Professor at Uniavan Dental School

ITI Fellow

Graduated in dentistry from Universidade Norte do Paraná (1999).
Specialist in Periodontics by the Dental Association of Northern Paraná (2001)
Specialist in Implantology from the North University of Paraná (2005)
Master in Implantology from the São Leopoldo Mandic Dental Research Center (2012)
PhD in Clinical Dentistry - FOP Unicamp (2016)
Clinical Director of the Carmo Dental Institute (Curitiba-PR)
ITI (International Team of Implantodontology) Fellow, Speaker and Study Club Director.
Coordinator of the Specialization and Master's courses in Implantology Universidade Positivo - UP

Center of Dental Education

Carmo Dental Institute
Curitiba, Brazil

Phone:  +55 41 99800-4646