Straumann Group Code of Conduct

As a global medical device company, the Straumann Group respects international and local laws, regulations and requirements and is committed to conducting business in an ethical and lawful way.

It includes requirements for good corporate citizenship, including respect for people, property and the environment.

To ensure compliance with the Code and to protect employees and the Straumann Groups interests and rights overall we have mechanisms to report behaviour that is not in line with the Code.

Reporting Violations of our Code of Conduct

We encourage employees and third parties to raise their concerns about potential violations of the Code. By speaking up, you contribute to protect ethical business practices and help the Company to address potential issues quickly.

SpeakUp line for Straumann Group employees

To access the SpeakUp®* line for Straumann Group employees please click this link.

SpeakUp line for External Business Partners

This Compliance Hotline is intended for everyone who is not an employee of the Straumann Group, such as external business partners and customers, and who becomes aware of a potential violation by a Straumann employee of Straumann Group’s Code of Conduct, Straumann Group’s External Business Partner Code of Conduct or applicable laws.

To access the SpeakUp line for External Business Partners please click this link.

* SpeakUp® is a registered trademark by People Intouch B.V., who operates the service and ensures anonymity for those who report a violation

Compliance Hotline for External Business Partners
Questions and AnswerS

What kind of issues should you raise to the Compliance Hotline?

Please find here some examples of topics that you should raise to the Compliance Hotline:

·       Actions which endanger the health or safety of employees or the public
·       Financial and accounting concerns
·       Suspected fraud, bribery or other financial criminal offences
·       Actions which violate human rights or constitute modern slavery or child labor
·       Actions which cause serious damage to the environment
·       Abuse of confidential information and violations of intellectual property rights
·       Actions which are intended to conceal any of the above.

What should NOT be raised to this Compliance Hotline?

This channel is not intended to receive any concerns about Straumann Group products, product safety and patient safety (adverse events or injuries). For these topics please contact your local customer service team.

This channel is not an emergency hotline or a substitute for contacting law enforcement. If you are facing a life-threatening emergency or believe you are facing the threat of imminent bodily harm, please contact your local police or ambulance/rescue services immediately.

When and how to raise a concern as external?

When you have good grounds and honestly believe that a violation of the Straumann Group’s Code of Conduct or External Business Partner Code of Conduct has occured.

It is important that any concerns raised are based on reliable information offered responsibly.

How can I access the complaint form to report a concern?

Please click on this LINK to access the Straumann Group's SpeakUp line for External Business partners.

How will my concern submission be handled?

Your concern raised will reach the Compliance department at Straumann Headquarter in Basel, Switzerland, to screen each reported case if:

a. there is reasonable suspicion of a violation of our Group Code of Conduct or External Business partner Code of Conduct that requires an investigation,
b. additional evidence will be needed or
c. a different procedure is applicable.

How are my data protected?

The elements summarized below apply to your use of this Compliance hotline, including if you fall under the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation. In all cases, please refer to the Privacy notice of Straumann.

By reporting a potential violation you consent that Institut Straumann AG will be the data controller under applicable data protection laws, responsible for collecting and processing the personal data needed for the Compliance Hotline. This processing of your personal data will be based on our legitimate interest, legal obligations to which we are subject, the defense of legal claims or substantial public interest.

Your data will not be collected for solely automated individual decision-making, which produces legal effects concerning you or similar effects. We will only collect data that you provide yourself or that emerges during the investigation process relevant for the Compliance Hotline investigation process.

Such data may include:
• Your full name
• Your function within the company you work for
• Your business address
• Your business e-mail
• Your business mobile phone number
• Any other data necessary for the abovementioned purposes.

Please refrain from providing sensitive data (e.g. data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, and data concerning health or sex life) not relevant for the case.

Your data will be hosted on Straumann’s servers.

Your data will not be shared with third parties for commercial reasons, but may be shared with Straumann’s processors for the purpose of supporting the provision of the Compliance hotline services, but only as far as is reasonably necessary. Such processors may be located outside of your country of residence and may not benefit from the same level of protection. In such case, Straumann has ensured that appropriate security measures are entered into for such transfers, including where applicable the standard contractual clauses. The Straumann Group may retain the data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the investigation processing, to comply with a legal obligation or the defense of legal claims.

You have the right to ask for a rectification of your personal data at any time. You also have the right to request access to, deletion of, portability and object to the use of your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Some of these rights may be limited by applicable data protection legislation. You also have the right to complain to a supervisory authority or to seek judicial remedies. For more information on your rights, please refer to Section “Information and exercise of privacy right” of the Straumann Privacy Notice.

Is it confidential?

All concerns will be handled confidentially. If you raise your concern not anonymous/in person, your name will only be disclosed on a need to know basis by the persons in a compliance function or to persons who are key contributors in further evaluating your concern raised. Please help us to protect your confidentiality by being discrete and not discussing your concerns or an ongoing investigation with anyone else.

Anonymity is possible in countries where this is legally allowed. Sometimes this depends on the nature of your concern.

Will I be informed about the outcome?

You will be informed via an e-mail to the e-mail account of incoming message about the fact that the case was closed as founded or non-founded. For privacy and legal reasons, details on the investigation conducted, including the people involved in the case cannot be disclosed.