Analyst coverage

The financial institutions listed below provide research coverage on Straumann. Their names are given for your information only. Straumann does not comment on the research coverage and disclaims any liability for the statements made or for the use of such information by third parties. The list makes no claim to be complete, correct or representative.



Bank of America
Julien Ouaddour
Barclays Hassan Al-Wakeel
Berenberg Victoria Lambert
Bernstein Susannah Ludwig
BNP Paribas Exane Hugo Solvet
Citi Veronika Dubajova
Deutsche Bank Falko Friedrichs
Equita   Davide Marchesin
Goldman Sachs Richard Felton
HSBC Shubhangi Gupta
Jefferies Julien Dormois
J.P. Morgan
David Adlington
Kepler Cheuvreux Maja Pataki
Morgan Stanley Robert J. Davies
Octavian Sandra Dietschy
ODDO BHF Oliver Metzger
Research Partners Alexander Burgansky
Stifel  Dylan Van Haaften
UBS Graham Doyle
Vontobel Sibylle Bischofberger Frick
William Blair Brandon Vazquez
Zürcher Kantonalbank Daniel Jelovcan