Sustainability at Straumann Group

Rooted in our heritage of creating long-term value for all our stakeholders and doing business responsibly, sustainability is a strategic business priority. We are taking our efforts one step further and aspire to become a role model in our industry.

Sustainability drives value creation for Straumann Group and our communities. It helps run our company in terms of efficient use of resources and responsible business practices, it helps us secure the best talent, strategically prioritize our community activities, and engage with our stakeholders across the value chain. We act sustainably to improve the quality of life today and for future generations.

Our framework represents our approach to sustainability and sets out our ambitions.

Sustainability report

Sustainability is a strategic business priority at Straumann Group. Read about our commitments in this report.

Advancing Oral Care

We aim to be at the forefront of innovative solutions in oral care with patient’s health and safety in mind. Together with our strategic partners, we improve access to oral care for people all over the world. We believe in fostering customer learning and education for the benefit of patients.

Empowering People

We believe having an inclusive, diverse and empowering culture is at the heart of a successful company. Our employees’ wellbeing, their continuous learning and growth as well as ensuring the highest standards of occupational health and safety are instrumental in making us a place where people want to work.

Caring for the Planet and Society

We are safeguarding the environment by minimizing our emissions, managing our waste, and reducing our use of materials, energy and water. We commit to responsibly managing our supply chain relationships and we are contributing to the development of our local communities.

Acting with Responsibility

As a global business we are leading by example, through our ethical approach and sound governance. We are carefully managing our risks and ensuring that ​every aspect of our business complies with relevant standards and regulations. We are shaping a company with the highest standards of integrity.