Annual Report 2023


2.4 bn

Revenue in CHF

5.6 m

Smiles impacted

> 11 000



Organic revenue growth


Educational activities in low- and middle-income countries


Learning and growth score


Core EBIT margin


Renewable electricity


Women in leadership positions

Letter from the Chair and CEO

Chair and CEO

Gilbert Achermann, Chair, and Guillaume Daniellot, Chief Executive Officer

Dear Reader,

In 2023, we essentially kept on performing and transforming – we continued innovating, adapting and further expanding. Most and foremost, we focused on customers in everything we did. This led to another extraordinary year and we are humbled and inspired by the impact that we have on many lives and smiles. In 2023, we helped 5.6 million smiles and improved people’s oral health and quality of life. This is what motivates us and drives us every day, and this is what we will continue to do in the future.


    Customers inspire us to push the boundaries, innovate and adapt

Performance by region

North America
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Latin America
Asia Pacific

Share price development

(Price in CHF)


(Price in CHF)

Business Development

Straumann Group reports full-year revenue of CHF 2.4 billion and organic revenue growth of 9.8%, with strong cur-rency headwinds leading to a growth of 3.9% in CHF. The patient flow was dynamic, with regional variations. While North America experienced some consumer weakness, especially on the large implant reconstructions, Europe showed good patient flow and the APAC region, notably China, boosted the result, following the implementation of the volume-based procurement process in 2023.

In the year under review, Straumann Group made significant progress in all dimensions of its clearly defined strategic roadmap. It was marked by a strong performance of the implantology business, delivering double-digit volume growth in both the premium and challenger segments. The orthodontics ClearCorrect business saw the introduction of many features and software offerings as well as training of several thousand clinicians which led to a wider adoption of the brand.

2023 marked another important year, as Straumann Group delivered a differentiated value proposition with Straumann iExcel, Anthogyr X3, Neodent ZI, enabling doctors to achieve better clinical results with improved efficiency, or treat peri-implantitis, thanks to the acquisition of GalvoSurge.

Key performance figures

Revenue (CHF m) 2 412 2 321
Gross profit margin (%) 74.3 75.7
EBIT margin (%) 25.1 26.0
Net profit margin (%) 18.3 20.8

1 To facilitate a like-for-like comparison, the Group presents ‘core’ results in addition to the results reported under IFRS Accounting Standards – see business performance chapter in annual report

The Business development includes the following chapters
Business performance
Share performance

Sustainability Report

Advancing oral care

> Today at 5.6 million smiles

Our aim is to help 10 million smiles per year by 2030

> Today at 28%

We want to provide 35% of all our educational activities in low- and middle-income countries

Empowering people

> Today at 40%

We want 50% of leadership positions to be held by women by 2026

> Today score at 77

A score of 80 by 2026 in our employee survey in response to
‘I have good opportunitites to learn and grow’

Acting with responsibility

> Maintained in 2023

We are shaping a company with a zero tolerance policy

Caring for the planet and society

> Today at 93%

We will use 100% renewable electricity by 2024

> Target validated by SBTi in 2023

We aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040

Corporate governance report

The principles, structures, mechanisms and controls by which the Straumann Group is directed and the people who are responsible for their execution.

Compensation report

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the Straumann Group’s compensation principles, practices and delivery framework. It also provides information on the compensation of the general staff, management, Executive Management Board (EMB) and Board of Directors (BoD).

Financial report

The consolidated financial statements of Straumann Group for the year ended
31 December 2023 were authorized for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors on 26 February 2024 and are subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting on April 12, 2024.
