Share performance
74% total shareholder return – beating the benchmark
With the share price rising 73% in 2017, Straumann Group was one of the three top performing shares in the SMIM index (consisting of the 30 largest midcap stocks in Switzerland) and ranked 17th among the largest 600 listed companies in Europe.
Over the past five years, Straumann has outperformed the SMIM by approximately 20% p.a., reflecting the change in strategy, market share gains, increased sales momentum, enhanced profitability, replenished product pipeline and expanded addressable market. The share price development also reflects strong growth in investor confidence fuelled by performance consistency and the company’s ability to deliver on its promises.
In 2017, total pre-tax shareholder return amounted to 74% or CHF 295 per share. The average daily closing share price in 2017 ranged from CHF 395 to CHF 733, with the year-end closing price at CHF 689. Average stock exchange trading volumes in 2017 increased 22% year-on-year to 47 200 Straumann shares, which is good in view of the limited free-float and steady increase of volumes traded via multilateral trading facilities.