The first step to harmonious soft-tissue healing.
Straumann® Ceramic Healing Abutments offer conditions for soft-tissue attachment, supporting a healthy peri-implant environment. The zirconia material helps surgeons and prosthodontists looking for less plaque attachment and enhances soft tissue healing from the day of surgery.
Favorable soft-tissue attachment
More favorable soft tissue attachment around zirconia than titanium, with blood circulation similar to that around a natural tooth.1-2
Designed for healthy peri-implant environment
Less plaque attachment on zirconia due to smoother surface compared to titanium.2-3,8-9
Ease of use
Aspiration-security thanks to integrated screw.
Color-coding to clearly identify the corresponding prosthetic platform.
Esthetics from the day of surgery
Ceramic abutments for the healing phase.
Final restoration using Straumann® Cares® ceramic options.
View the case study from Dr. Perucchi and Dr. Dana to learn more
View the case study from Dr. Scaringi to learn more
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