Taking immediacy to the next level.
Answering the Patient Demand for Immediate Smiles
Your patients are used to easy and immediate results in their day-to-day life. You can now deliver it with Straumann® ImmediaXy, the frictionless platform for immediate results for either single-unit, partial or fully edentulous treatments. This integrated and validated platform creates time and cost efficiencies through a simplified approach, and connects you to the clinical and scientific evidence for which Straumann is known.
5 Steps to Immediate Procedures with Straumann® ImmediaXy

Treatment Consultation
Immediate treatments
start with a digital scan

Planning and Designing Your Case
Creating efficiency
through digital solutions

Efficient in-house or outsource
printing solutions for your
3D printed surgical guides

The ultimate implant system

Customized restorations to
complete your immediate treatments
Interested in taking immediacy to the next level?

3Shape TRIOS®

Treatment Consultation
Immediate treatments start with a digital scan
Save time and improve patient outcomes with intraoral scanners, that produce validate data quality in real-time.1
1 Data on file

coDiagnostiX®, Straumann® Smile in a Box®

Planning and Designing Your Case
Creating efficiency through digital solutions
Increase your efficiency in the planning and placement of implants with an integrated digital planning and guide design solution. Work in house with coDiagnostiX® or outsource through the Smile in a Box® service. These solutions help you grow your patient acceptance, simplifies ordering and inventory and saves chair time.

Straumann® P series

Efficient in-house or outsource printing solutions for your 3D printed surgical guides
Reduce your total workflow time and increase your efficiency through in-house or outsource printing solutions for your surgical guides. Improve the esthetic emergence profile, so you can load immediate provisional restorations.

Straumann® BLX Implant System, Straumann® BLT 2.9 Implant, Biomaterials, Velodrill® System

The ultimate implant system
A unique implant design due to specific combination of the dual threads, bidirectional cutting, Roxolid®, Straumann® SLActive® surface technology, and one connection platform for all restorative components. For narrow interdental spaces such as congenitally missing laterals, the BLT 2.9 mm implant is a perfect combination of shape, strength and healing power. A complete range of integrated regenerative solutions with predictable positive outcomes for all biological situations.

Straumann® Pro Arch, CADCAM, Straumann® Smile in a Box

Customized restorations to complete
your immediate treatments
A unique portfolio of materials to provide patients and the restorative team with an unparalleled range of treatment options can be provided to you through in-house or by outsourcing. You can select the services you want, and Straumann delivers everything needed for the treatment in one box.
Discover Dr. Sergio Piano's Case Study
Discover Dr. Serag, Dr. Gillone, and Dr. Luna Case Study
Contact Us to Learn More
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