The one-step prosthetic solution: 1 scan, 1 design, 1 delivery.
CARES® X-Stream™ provides a flexible single-tooth full prosthetic solution to restore Straumann implants. With only one scan and one simultaneous and adaptive prosthetic element design, all required prosthetic components (e.g. abutment and its relevant crown) are manufactured in the Straumann-validated environment and arrive together in one delivery with an excellent fit of the components. This optimization of the necessary processing steps reduces turnaround time and related costs.
Higher productivity thanks to one design, one order and one delivery of the prosthetic components.
Increased efficiency due to the highly precise prosthetics ensuring best fit between components.
Validated long-term performance with the original Straumann® implant-abutment connection.

Consistent and reproducible quality with controlled design and milling enviornment.
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