Straumann® Emdogain®
Mastering periodontal regeneration and oral wound healing.
Straumann® Emdogain® is a unique gel containing enamel matrix derivative. This mixture of natural proteins can induce biological processes that usually take place during the development of the periodontium and may stimulate certain cells involved in the healing process of soft and hard tissues.
Features and benefits
Emdogain® induces true regeneration
By modulating the wound healing process, Emdogain® induces the regeneration of a functional attachment in periodontal procedures (as evidenced by human histological data⁵,⁶)
Emdogain® improves wound healing in oral surgical procedures
By promoting angiogenesis modulating the production of factors related to inflammation⁹ and thanks to its anti-microbial effect toward oral pathogens Emdogain® accelerates the wound healing process of oral surgical procedures
Emdogain® increased the predictability of your periodontal procedures
Emdogain® leads to:
- Significantly improved clinical parameters in intra-osseous defects compared to open flap debridement procedures alone.12
- Increased root coverage achieved when used in a coronally advanced flap (CAF) compared to CAF alone13, and leads to results comparable to CAF + Connective Tissue Graft.14
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