maxgraft® granules / blocks

Mastering natural results. Processed allograft.

maxgraft® allograft is the safe and established alternative to  autologous bone. maxgraft® granules and cancellous blocks are 100 % derived from living donor bone processed under pharmaceutical conditions by the Cells and Tissue Bank Austria (C+TBA). Founded in 2004, C+TBA is one of the leading European tissue banks, recognized by numerous national authorities across the world and member of the European Association of Tissue Banks (EATB).

Features and benefits

Safety and biocompatibility

The cleaning process (Allotec® process) of maxgraft® products preserves the natural structure of both the mineral phase and the organic phase (collagen). Collagen attracts endothelial cells and osteoblasts by chemotaxis. This ensures quick incorporation and natural remodeling. maxgraft® products have an impressive track record in safety with no reported cases of disease transmission.

Volume stability

Due to its close similarity to native bone, maxgraft® will be degraded by osteoclasts if not loaded after the healing period. Depending on the indication, the product can be mixed with a slow resorbable grafting material (deproteinized bovine bone minerals (DBBM)).

Patient comfort

maxgraft® is a safe and trusted bone regeneration solution most similar to  patient’s own bone. It is a true alternative to autologous bone, eliminating  donor site complications such as morbidity, infection or postoperative pain.

Watch and learn

  • Bone augmentation in the mandible with maxgraft® bonebuilder

    The surgeon Dr David Furze performs bone augmentation in an edentulous mandible using two allogenic bone blocks (maxgraft® bonebuilder).

  • Handling video - maxgraft® granules

    In this product information video, the rehydration, handling, and application of maxgraft® granules is demonstrated on a mandibular model.

  • Handling video - maxgraft® cortico

    This product video shows the optimal handling of maxgraft® cortico on a mandibular model. The main steps are trimming, placement and fixation, as well as, adaptation of the edges of maxgraft® cortico.

  • Handling video - maxgraft® blocks

    maxgraft® blocks are fixed with osteosynthesis screws to the local bone. For an optimal outcome of the block grafting procedure, countersinking the bold head of the screw into the block is recommended as the head may irritate the soft tissue. A diamond bur can be used to create the countersink, as shown in this video.

maxgraft® granules/ blocks use cases on youTooth 


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