Straumann® BoneCeramic™

Mastering synthetic solutions. Biphasic calcium phosphate granules.

One of the best documented alloplastics in the market, which offers a state-of-the-art scaffold with controlled resorption for vital bone regeneration without compro-mising on volume preservation.

Features and benefits

Safety and biocompatibility

The chemical process technology used in the production of Straumann® BoneCeramic™ ensures reproducibility, batch to batch consistency and biocompatibility.

Because of its 100 % synthetic composition any risk of infection or disease transmission can be excluded.

Homogeneous composition

Biphasic calcium phosphate in homogenous composition:
60 % hydroxyapatite (HA) as a strong matrix for long-term bone volume preservation:

  • 60 % HA prevents excessive resorption and preserves the bone volume.
  • 40 % β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) for rapid initial bone forming cell response: β-TCP resorbs faster and is replaced by natural bone.

The morphology of Straumann® BoneCeramic™ facilitates osteoconductivity, vascularization and osteoblast migration.

Straumann® BoneCeramic™ serves as a scaffold for bone deposition during the bone formation process.

The slow resorption rate of HA prevents excessive resorption and maintains the stability of the augmentate volume.

Fast resorbing β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) allows for regeneration of vital bone during healing time.

Watch and learn

  • Handling video - Straumann® BoneCeramic

    Ridge preservation following tooth extraction for later implant placement.

  • Handling video - Straumann® BoneCeramic

    Ridge preservation following tooth extraction with simultaneous implant placement.

  • Handling video - Straumann® BoneCeramic

    Intrabony lesion.

Straumann® Boneceramic™ use cases on youTooth


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