Straumann UN!Q Full-Arch Prosthetics

Removable Screw-retained bars and Bridges

Portfolio highlights

Discover our most popular options for removable full-arch restorations.

  • Novaloc LOCATOR® Bar
    • Provide more resistance against mastication forces compared to abutment supported attachments
    • Align attachments into a common insertion axis
    • Adjustable height and width
    • 0º, 4º, 6º and 8º wall taper
  • 2 in 1 Telescopic
    • Provides a combination of the passive fit like a fixed restoration and the cleanability of removable restoration
    • Circumferential seal, created between the gingiva and the secondary structure promotes hygiene and gingival health
  • Full Portfolio Range of Removable Prosthetics
    • The Straumann UN!Q portfolio includes multiple options for removable prosthetic attachment systems including:
      • Dolder U Shape & Egg-Shape Bars
      • Preci Vertix and Horix Bar
      • Ackermann-Bar
      • Round Bar
      • MP-Clip Bar

Compatibility chart

Straumann® UN!Q offers a comprehensive portfolio of Screw-Retained Bars and Bridges (SRBB) for highest demands on tailor made implant prosthetics.

Key indications
Multi-unit | Edentulous
Ti | CoCr | ZrO2 | PEEK | PMMA
Implant systems
Over 125 third-party connections
Prosthetic connections
Over 125 third-party connections
NC, RC | RB/WB, WB | RN, WN​ | NT, RT, WT
Abutment connections
Screw-retained Abutments

Available for Straumann Group Platforms and Multiple Third-Party Implant Systems Including Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona, ZimVie and more.


Leverage UN!Q’s design and production services to keep pace with your case demand


Precision-engineered prosthetics, to your specifications, consistently delivered


Extensive portfolio covers many indications for Straumann implants and beyond


Choose an on-demand workflow that is tailored to your needs

Design and manufacturing services vis Straumann® AXS™

Outsourcing your design work is only a few clicks away. Take advantage of premium on-demand services via Straumann® AXS™, the online case ordering and management portal.

Simple and easy-to-use

Track & trace all your cases

Seamless core-file workflow

Integrated training

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