Straumann® synOcta® Family
Versatile. A comprehensive and adaptable solution for every clinical need.
The well-known synOcta ® family offers versatility thanks to its multiple selection of abutments (among others angled, cementable, solid, synOcta 1.5). Besides, synOcta ® connection provides a secure link and protection against rotation, as well as a flexible and precise abutment positioning.
Key indications |
Single-unit | Multi-unit | Edentulous |
Fixation |
Cement-retained | Screw-retained |
Material |
Ti |
Workflow |
Traditional | Digital |
Implant Systems |
TL |
Implant Connections |
RN, WN |

A reliable prosthetic solution thanks to the proven synOcta® connection1

Freedom of choice for prosthetic restoration. Different pre-fabricated copings available to ensure precise fit of framework