Straumann® Pro Arch
Tailored to fit. Designed to last.
Straumann® Pro Arch enables personalized treatment protocols for implant-borne fixed full-arch restorations. Leverage the Straumann Dental Implant System combined with the Prosthetics portfolio to treat different clinical situations with predictable outcomes.1-6

Variety of treatment options to address specific indications and different patient’s needs.

Peace of mind treating even compromised patients with diabetes, cancer or smokers. Learn more about SLActive® >

Straumann® prosthetic portfolio addresses patient’s high esthetic expectations and financial resources.

Narrow and short implants enable clinicians to preserve the bone and avoid bone grafting in some clinical situations with low bone volume. Learn more about Roxolid® >

Immediate loading offering, patient communication and practice growth tools can support your practice growth.

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for updates on full-arch products & technologies, tips & tricks, events, great cases and and much more!
Pro Arch step by step animation

Seamless integration and efficiency at every stage.
Straumann® ImmediaXy™ covers all stages of an immediate treatment workflow: data acquisition, planning & design, surgery and restoration and provides an end-to-end solutions.
Learn more about our immediate treatment solutions

Smile in a Box
Gain time and cost efficiency
Our digital, modular, integrated treatment planning and manufacturing service to cover your surgical and prosthetic indications. You select the services you require, and we deliver everything you need for your treatment in one box. Your modular alternative to in-house production.

Straumann® Pro Arch BLX
New confidence, flexibility and efficiency with one system.
One system for most full-arch challenges of the immediate full-arch rehabilitation. Straumann® BLX implant is designed for primary stability and offers you treatment flexibility with the high-performance Roxolid®1, 2 combined with the clinically proven SLActive®3-6 and provides confidence beyond immediacy.

Straumann® Pro Arch BLT
Versatility and predictability.
The Straumann® Bone Level Tapered (BLT) Implant delivers proven reliable primary stability1-3. BLT is a powerful combination of Roxolid®, SLA® and SLActive®, Bone Control Design™, CrossFit® connection, prosthetic diversity, and an apically tapered design.
The tapered form compresses the underprepared osteotomy and is designed to let you effectively master the challenges of full-arch rehabilitation.