Application for Straumann® Access to Implant Dentistry (AID) program

Straumann AID relies on collaboration with dentists who provide treatment without charge, while we donate the relevant products.

Conditions and terms

  • Straumann AID is available only to people who are genuinely in need and genuinely unable to afford implant treatment.
  • If the treating dentist assesses a patient to be a hardship case and performs the dental treatment free of charge, Straumann will donate the implants, abutments and related items such as healing caps (Straumann products only).
  • The treating dentist applies for Straumann AID. The application must include a short treatment plan.
  • The application must be made by the patient through the dentist. The patient is required to sign the application as ‘an applicant’ (allowing Straumann to contact the patient if necessary). If appropriate the applicant may also submit additional certification. The application is sent via regular post to the local Straumann subsidiary or to Corporate Communication at the Group’s global headquarters.
  • Once approved, the application may be given a reference number, which should be quoted in subsequent correspondence and related orders. Items for AID treatment should be ordered separately from other items.
  • When the treatment is completed the patient must sign a declaration that he/she has received the treatment and Straumann Group materials free of charge. Exceptions may be made e.g. for lab costs. If the treating dentist has charged the patient, the dentist will be invoiced for the materials supplied.
  • Any unused materials and the packaging must be returned to Straumann – without exception. Under no circumstances may they be kept by the dental professional.
  • The Straumann Group reserves the right to withdraw the offer of donating products or services at any time.