SLActive® in irradiated patients.

Predictability beyond expectations

One of the most challenging patient groups for implant treatment includes patients who have undergone a combination of tumor surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The bone quality in these patients is severely compromised. 

SLActive® performance in irradiated patients

1-year follow-up3

1 patient was excluded from the study due to tumour recurrence. The graph is thus based on 19 patients with 97 implants.

5-year follow-up13,14

Excluding 4 further patients deceased due to cancer The graph is thus based on 15 patients with 79 implants.

Randomized clinical trial:3
102 implants, 20 patients
Post-surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy for oral carcinoma

What clinicians say

News update from Dental Tribune International

Watch an interview with Prof Nelson to get to know more about the study and challenges of prosthetic rehabilitation of irradiated patients. Discover how SLActive® implants improved the quality of life in these patients.

Uncompromised performance.

Even in diabetic patients.

Patients with diabetes have reduced wound healing capacity15,16 which puts implants at risk. Learn more >

Worldwide, 1 in 6 adults 60 years of age and older  has diabetes.17 Learn more >

Given the ever rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes, how can clinicians address this risk particularly in older patients?

  • Growing clinical evidence of highly predictable performance of slactive® in diabetic patients. 
  • A new clinical study19 that compared SLActive® performance in patients with and without dia­betes showed uncompromised performance of SLActive® implants.
  • 100 % implant success rate in the diabetic group after 2 years
  • Bone changes similar to those in healthy individuals
  • Despite the observed lower levels of bone quality all implants in this study showed good primary stability.

Performance in diabetic patient group19

Prospective case-control clinical study (15 diabetic and 14 non-diabetic individuals)

100% implant success rate in the diabetic group after 2 years

Bone changes similar to those in healthy individuals

Despite the observed lower levels of bone quality all implants in this study showed good primary stability.

Key researchers behind the study

What clinicians say

The placement of implants in smokers is often associated with high failure rates, risk of post-operative infections, and marginal bone loss.29

SLActive® – high predictability in smokers​

  • A recent clinical study comparing SLActive® performance in smokers and non-smoker patient groups reported excellent outcomes with SLActive®:​
  • 96 patients, 130 SLActive® implants, 5-year follow-up, 100% survival rate

Performance in smoker patient group30

Prospective case-control clinical study (47 smokers and 49 non-smokers)

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