More than in-house milling. Adding value to your lab.
Produce original Straumann® one-piece customized titanium abutments with your in-house milling equipment. Boost efficiency by using your in-house milling machine and benefit from the original Straumann implant-abutment connection.
Straumann® Pre-millied abutment blanks are compatible with the Medentika Pre-Face Blank holder and the Amann Girrbach Blank holder used in the Straumann M series.
Key indications |
Single-unit | Multi-unit |
Fixation |
Cement-retained | Screw-retained |
Material |
Workflow |
Digital |
Implant Systems |
BL | BLT | BLX | TL | TLX |
Implant Connections |
NC, RC | RB/WB, WB | RN, WN | NT, RT, WT |
Extend the indication range for your milling equipment.
Maximize your return on investment.
Benefit from a faster and controlled turnaround time.
Perfectly matching components.
Peace of Mind
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