botiss maxgraft® bonebuilder
The customized human allogenic bone block.
The maxgraft® bonebuilder is an innovative, customized allogenic bone block which is individually designed and adjusted to the desired 3-dimensional bone contour. Based on planning data and clinician-approved, the bonebuilder is produced by a milling machine and is provided in a sterile condition ready for implantation. The ideal bone substitute for rebuilding 3-dimensional defects and reconstructing the ridge, allowing a patient-friendly treatment.

Fits perfectly in the recipient site.The Physiological structure provides ideal matrix for revascularization and osseointegration. Support of fast vascularization through maximum contact between the graft and bone.

Reduction of chair-site time compared to autologous blocks.

Reduces pain medication and post-operative complications due to reduced surgical time. Eliminates the need to harvest autologous bone, reducing patient morbidity and discomfort.

Designed to fit perfectly in the recipient site, resulting in easy application. The natural collagen content leads to increased flexibility, facilitating screw fixation.