Dental Professionals

Implant After-Care

After dental implant surgery, it’s important to follow all of your dental team’s instructions. As you begin the healing process, these are a few of the important topics that will be discussed:

Swelling: Cool the external treatment area with ice or cool packs as soon as possible after your procedure to help prevent pain and swelling.

Pain: Take pain medication as prescribed.

Oral rinses: Don’t use oral rinses in the first few hours after your surgery, because they may cause bleeding. Sipping water after the procedure is permissible.

Temporary restoration: Your dentist may place a “healing cap” or a temporary tooth replacement on the implant to help your mouth heal. Avoid chewing anything hard on the side where implants are placed. This will help the implant to heal in preparation for the next step of the treatment.

Body Position: Sitting is usually better than lying down. Keep your head up during the day and also at night. Don’t lie on the side where the implant was placed.

Driving: You won’t be allowed to drive in the first few hours after the operation because your ability to drive might be impaired by anesthetic or medication.

Oral Care: Don’t use a toothbrush in the implant area of the mouth until the stitches are removed. Your dentist may recommend using an oral rinse instead of brushing the new teeth. Follow their instructions for using oral rinses after surgery.

Food: Don’t eat until the anesthetic has worn off. Avoid hot drinks and spicy, acidic, crunchy, or hard food for the first day.

Rest: Avoid alcohol, nicotine, coffee, black tea, and sports or physical exertion for the first few days after your procedure.

Complications are rare after dental implant placement. Patients often report minimal pain or downtime, and stitches are usually removed about seven to ten days after the procedure. It’s important to contact your dentist immediately if certain symptoms or side effects appear, such as:

Excessive pain on the day of the operation

Numbness at the implant site 12 hours after the operation

Unusual discomfort or swelling at the implant site several days after the operation

Bleeding continues after the day of surgery

Loss of the temporary tooth

This product is contraindicated for patients exhibiting signs of allergy or hypersensitivity to the chemical elements of the material: titanium. In the presence of acute inflammatory or infectious processes in live tissue, unsuitable bone volume or quality, serious medical problems such as; bone metabolism disorders, blood clotting disorders, unsuitable healing capacity, insufficient oral hygiene, incomplete jawbone growth, uncooperative and not motivated patient, abuse of drugs or alcohol, psychosis, prolonged functional disorders which resist any treatment with medications, xerostomia, weakened immunological system, diseases which require the use of steroids, endocrinological diseases, pregnancy. The Helix GM Implant in diameters 6.0 and 7.0 is contraindicated for healed bone bed with bone quality I and II.

If you have any symptoms or questions not mentioned above that become cause for concern, contact your dentist, hygienist, implant coordinator, or any member of your dental care team.