Zi Virtual Symposium

Right from the start, attendees war immerged at the Zi universe, with an event hall and scenario customized exclusively for the event.

The launch of Zi, Neodent’s Ceramic System, on March 31st, was guided by the latest technology at virtual events with global speakers: Dr. Paul Petrungaro, Dr. Eric Rompen & Dr. Federico Mandelli, and live surgery performed by Dr. Geninho Thomé. 
With the presence of viewers from 92 countries, the Zi Virtual Symposium brought, in 5 different languages, the history of Neodent. Dr. Geninho Thomé and Zi System process though augmented reality conducted by Dr. Sérgio Bernardes.
Participants could see the first Neodent Dental Clinic and the production site, and follow the Zi production process globally. 
After that, Andrea Iorio led the audience to the newest consumer trends and how it shapes the industry, and renowned Drs from 4 different countries presented their experience with Zi. To bring a perfect end, Dr. Geninho Thomé performed a live surgery showing to the viewers the beauty of Zi System.  
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