Unlock Growth Potential and Embrace Clinical Excellence.
Transform your clinical landscape with the Enterprise Academy advantage
Elevate your DSO's growth trajectory with the Straumann Group Enterprise Academy – your strategic partner in sustaining clinical excellence and activating untapped potential. Our tailored programs for Implant, Restorative & Ortho drive the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies, enhancing practice reputation and performance through a commitment to clinical excellence. Our scalable learning initiatives, complemented by in-person or virtual mentorship programs, empower your team with the confidence and skills needed for clinical success.
Witness the impact of a structured education program as worldwide DSOs experience: a remarkable 35% increase in the number of implants placed per cohort, 67% growth of implant-placing clinicians after an 18-month educational program, a significant increase in the number of complex procedures per practice, and the enabling of practices to perform more aligner treatments.
DSOs experience a remarkable 58% increase in the number of implants placed after 1 year, 67% growth of implant-placing clinicians after 18-months tailored learning journey.
Experience Enterprise Academy in action
Challenges DSO's are facing when aiming to extend clinical excellence across all practices
Lack of standardized clinical outcomes.
Scattered competency levels across practices.
Lack of confidence in complex treatment plans.
Boosting patient confidence, loyalty, and smoothing conversion rates.
Staff shortages, talent acquisition, and retention.
Enterprise academy offering at a glance
The Enterprise Academy delivers cutting-edge clinical education through a comprehensive learning journey for clinicians and clinical team members. Each pathway is designed to address various levels of clinical complexity. After the clinical team's skill level is mapped, our expert team will propose a tailored learning journey for each identified cohort. A customized learning plan to boost the clinical team's confidence level will be built, considering the following educational pillars:
global presence
Educational programs with world renowned experts and partners across the globe
One-on-One support can be provided by our global mentor’s network
Train the trainer programs to develop your local mentors' team
Clinicians' Testimonials
Global Educational Partners
Enterprise Academy Learning Journey
- Address potential clinical confidence gaps
- Increase team engagement and case acceptance
- Understand and address team/workflow barriers
- Basis surgical and restorative implant training
- Explore the benefits of aligner therapy
- Improve patient experience.
- Enhances skill level to include more comprehensive cases
- Address potential skill gaps for bone and soft tissue grafting
- Simplified and integrated digital workflows
- Expand treatment offers with dental aligners
- Get no-lifts to either engage or become referrals
- Create visibility and recognition
- Advanced treatment plans and full arch rehabilitations
- Accelerate growth with advanced procedures
- Improved patient experience with end-to-end workflows for comprehensive cases
- Multidisciplinary approaches