Enterprise Academy

Unlock Growth Potential and Embrace Clinical Excellence.

Transform your clinical landscape with the Enterprise Academy advantage

Elevate your DSO's growth trajectory with the Straumann Group Enterprise Academy – your strategic partner in sustaining clinical excellence and activating untapped potential. Our tailored programs for Implant, Restorative & Ortho drive the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies, enhancing practice reputation and performance through a commitment to clinical excellence. Our scalable learning initiatives, complemented by in-person or virtual mentorship programs, empower your team with the confidence and skills needed for clinical success.

Witness the impact of a structured education program as worldwide DSOs experience: a remarkable 35% increase in the number of implants placed per cohort, 67% growth of implant-placing clinicians after an 18-month educational program, a significant increase in the number of complex procedures per practice, and the enabling of practices to perform more aligner treatments.

58% increae in implant treatment growth

DSOs experience a remarkable 58% increase in the number of implants placed after 1 year, 67% growth of implant-placing clinicians after 18-months tailored learning journey.

Challenges DSO are facing when aiming to extend clinical excellence across all practices

Lack of standardized clinical outcomes.

Scattered competency levels across practices.

Lack of confidence in complex dental care delivery/procedures.

Boosting patient confidence, loyalty, and smoothing conversion rates.

Staff shortages, talent acquisition, and retention.

Enterprise academy offering at a glance

The Enterprise Academy delivers cutting-edge clinical education through a comprehensive learning journey for clinicians and clinical team members. Each pathway is designed to address various levels of clinical complexity. After the clinical team's skill level is mapped, our expert team will propose a tailored learning journey for each identified cohort. A customized learning plan to boost the clinical team's confidence level will be built, considering the following educational pillars:

  • Study

    Engage in a customized on-demand learning journey through our platform which integrates Implant, Restorative & Ortho training.

  • Participate

    Benefit from in-person trainings for hands-on workshops and life patient courses with experienced team worldwide.

  • Apply

    Discuss your own cases with our global expert team on virtual 1:1 sessions and get connected with our mentor's network for over-the-shoulder chair-side support.

  • Grow

    Join a global community to foster continuous professional development anytime, anywhere.

global presence

Educational services are available across the globe

Chair-side support can be provided by our global mentor's network

Train the trainer programs to develop your local mentors' team

Educational Services are available across the globe

  • Hands-on training after on-demand learning pathways


Clinicians' Testimonials

  • "We learned a lot from everyone in this course. There were plenty of surgical techniques and tips that were very valuable"

    Dr. Hussam Hussien | Dentist, UK

  • "We hope to take this program synergy to every part of the Aspen nation and show our doctors how they can treat their patients in the best ways possible with the best partnership in dentistry today"

    Dr. Sundeep Rawal | VP of Clinical Support at Aspen, USA

  • "The live surgical experience is not easy to find, especially with experienced, dedicated and patient doctors like yourselves, thank you again.”

    Dr. Chris Almenedo | Dentist, USA

  • "We've been monitoring and trying to see year over year how the doctors are doing and how they're impacting their offices. Those who take it to heart, we've seen average 30 to 35% growth in productivity."

    Dr. Hisham Barakat | Chief Clinical Officer at Guardian Dentistry, USA

  • “I would recommend doctors to come to this course to get to interact with other doctors who are all at different stages of this implant experience.”

    Dr. Taylor Sutton | Dentist, USA

Global Educational Partners

Enterprise academy learning pathways

Base camp
  • Address potential motivation issues
  • Increase engagement
  • Understand & address barriers
  • Basic surgical or restorative training
  • Get no-lifts to either engage or become referrals


Ready to climb
  • Unterstand & address barriers
  • Increase rep engagement at the practice level
  • Address potential skill gaps
  • Simplify workflows, provide planning services, over-the-shoulder mentorship
  • Improving skillset and expand treatment offerings
Achieve the peak
  • Create visibility and recognition
  • Learn, accelerate and copy from the "recipe for success"
  • Offer advanced courses
  • Widen the indication range
  • Expand treatment offerings to serve more patients
  • Increase topline revenue
  • Accelerate growth with more advanced procedures

Do you want to learn more about our enterprise academy services?

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