Gunjan Jatinder Gupta
ClearCorrect CATAPULT Series 2022: Foundational Courses
On Demand | Online
The CATAPULT Series dips into important and interesting focus topics through a series of video webinars. This series was launched in 2021 and it contains several focussed topics that you can go through for a deeper understanding of the various treatment strategies that can be used to treat the different patients walking through your practice.
Please note that these are video recordings of live sessions that took place in the past. Therefore, there might be some waiting time where questions were answered or while we were waiting for participants to join in.
We do hope you enjoy the series and topics.
Target group: General practitioners, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Periodontist, Prosthodontist
Product segments: Orthodontics
Aligner Biomechanics
Learning material: Video
This course will take you through Aligner Biomechanics and aims to provide more insights on how aligners move teeth.
Emphasis will be placed on the biomechanics of Aligner therapy and the properties of ClearQuartz - the proprietary material of ClearCorrect. At the end of the course, you will gain more confidence and expertise that will ensure more predictable treatment outcomes.
Case Selection: The Key to Success!
Learning material: Video
This course aims to educate you on how to successfully plan and choose cases to treat your patients with ClearCorrect to ensure treatment outcomes.
Emphasis will be placed on the types of cases best treated with each Treatment Option. Gain confidence in selecting the optimum cases to treat
Treatment Planning: Ready for Take-off!
Learning material: Video
The plan is the most important aspect of the treatment.
This course focusses on how to plan treatments optimally, how to communicate effectively with the planning team, how to use the new ClearPilot features and how to evaluate the treatment plan.
Take charge of your treatment plan with ClearPilot!
Please note this video concerns a previous version of ClearPilot (ClearPilot 4.0)
Case Finalisation
Learning material: Video
When excellence is our goal, finishing and detailing play a key role in Clear Aligner technique. Learn how a good treatment plan can lead to great predictability and stable results.
Discover how overcorrections can be your friend and how revisions can be an ally in achieving success.
Retention and its Importance
Learning material: Video
Ortho treatment does not end with the last stage of aligners.
This course aims to educate you on one of the most important phases of Orthodontic treatment - Retention
Emphasis will be placed on the types of retainers, timelines for retention and considerations to keep in mind during this phase.
Post Ortho Restorations
Learning material: Video
Sometimes restorative treatment of teeth is required as the final step of the orthodontic therapy to optimise aesthetics & function.
This course focusses on when to identify the need and how to plan and perform such post ortho restorations.
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