Eik Schiegnitz
Eik Schiegnitz
The introduction the of Straumann TLX Implant System combines the heritage of the Tissue Level transgingival smooth collar with the BLX implant thread design and TorcFit abutment connection which is optimised optimized for immediate and CADCAM workflows.
In this webinar, discover how the TLX Implant System can significantly extend the indication range of the Tissue Level implant, including patient friendly non-augmentation cases. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz will present the important clinical steps for successfully implementing immediacy concepts in your own dental practice.
Grupo destinatario: Odontólogos, Endodoncista, Odontólogos generalistas, Implantólogo, Cirujano, Ortodoncista, Especialista en periodoncia, Prostodoncista
Segmentos de productos: Implantología
Ponentes: Dr. Eik Schiegnitz
Material de formación: Video
Michelle Liew
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