Himanshu Arora
Himanshu Arora
During this webinar session, Dr. Himanshu Arora will be going over the steps involved in digital implant treatment planning using the coDiagnostiX software. The use of digital technology for planning restoratively driven implant positioning will be discussed in detail. Various tips and tricks will be presented to aid in increased patient treatment acceptance and improved treatment outcomes when utilising the digital planning with the help of coDiagnostiX software.
Learning Objectives
Grupo destinatario: Odontólogos, Endodoncista, Odontólogos generalistas, Implantólogo, Cirujano, Ortodoncista, Especialista en periodoncia, Prostodoncista
Segmentos de productos: Soluciones digitales, Implantología
Ponentes: Dr Himanshu Arora
Material de formación: Video
Session Overview
During this webinar session, Dr. Himanshu Arora will be going over the steps involved in digital implant treatment planning using the coDiagnostiX software. The use of digital technology for planning restoratively driven implant positioning will be discussed in detail. Various tips and tricks will be presented to aid in increased patient treatment acceptance and improved treatment outcomes when utilising the digital planning with the help of coDiagnostiX software.
Michelle Liew
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