Dr. Anthony Dickinson
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Immediacy Series Part 1: Principles of immediate treatment in the anterior maxilla - a prosthetic perspective
Sur demande | Online
There are now established clear indicators (guidelines) for immediate implant placement and restoration (Classified as Type 1A) for tooth replacement, particularly applicable in the anterior maxilla. In many cases, timing of implant placement may be determined from an accurate standard periapical film. And when these indicators are absent, alternative surgical (and restorative) protocols are indicated to deliver the optimal aesthetic outcome, to avoid short, and longer term compromise or complications.Groupe cible: Dentistes, Endodontiste, Dentistes généralistes, Implantologue, Chirurgien, Orthodontiste, Parodontiste, Prosthodontiste
Segments du produit: Implantologie, Prothèses
Objectifs d’apprentissage
- To be able to identify the key indicators for a Type 1A approach.
- The role of an accurate standard radiograph in determining the surgical protocol.
- To understand the beneficial features of alternate surgical protocols, specifically on the aesthetic outcome in the aesthetic zone.
- Knowledge of the changes that may occur over time and how the surgical placement protocol may affect the outcome longer-term.
Immediacy Series Part 1: Principles of immediate treatment in the anterior maxilla - a prosthetic perspective
Haut-parleurs: Dr. Anthony Dickinson
Matériel d’apprentissage: Video
The key indicators for placement protocols and the effect the correct surgical approach has on outcome.
Personne à contacter
Michelle Liew