Issue No.2 / 2018
März 2018
DOWNLOAD the March issue of our “Scientific Highlights of the Month” newsletter with short summaries of recently published scientific evidence.
Editor’s choice in March: The study of Sikora CL et al. where the authors investigated the combined effect of both wear and corrosion on the materials at the implant and abutment interface in vitro (published in Journal of Prosthodontics).
Sikora CL et al.: Wear and Corrosion Interactions at the Titanium/Zirconia Interface: Dental Implant Application.
Study objectives: The authors investigated the combined effect of both wear and corrosion on the materials at the implant and abutment interface in vitro. Using a simulated oral environment, Titanium V (Ti) and Zirconia (Zr) abutment materials were slid against Titanium V and Roxolid implant alloys plates. The four couplings (Ti/Ti, Ti/Rox, Zr/Ti, Zr/Rox) were selected for the tests
Results and conclusions: As compared to Titanium V (plate)/Titanium V (ball) interface, Zirconia (ball), in combination with Roxolid (plate) showed ~85% less wear and ~22% less corrosion, making this two one of most optimal combinations of implant and abutment. The authors conclude that: 1. Degradation processes at the implant/abutment interface are caused/triggered by the combined interaction of wear and corrosion in the oral environment. 2. Zirconia abutment groups had significantly less volume loss compared to the titanium V group. 3. Roxolid implant alloy demonstrated superior corrosion resistance.