Designed by experts with the patient in mind.
From experts for experts
The Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System provides an immediate, predictable fixed solution for edentulous patients and patients with terminal dentition.1,2,4
Features and benefits
Bringing experts together to provide a solution you can trust in.
Graftless solution that provides primary stability and allows immediate loading.
Two designs with a unique combination of features to respect patients’ anatomical structures.6
Prosthetic portfolio with a single implant connection; compatible with Straumann® Edentulous Solutions.

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Learn more about all the features and benefits of the Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System.
Straumann® Quad-Zygoma Procedure with Dr. Edmond Bedrossian and Dr. E. Armand Bedrossian
Straumann® Zygomatic Pro Arch Surgery with Dr. Edmond Bedrossian
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1 Tuminelli FJ, Walter LR, Neugarten J, Bedrossian E. Immediate loading of zygomatic implants: A systematic review of implant survival, prosthesis survival and potential complications. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2017;10 Suppl 1:79-87.
2 Fatigue Testing Report – ZAGA Implant System.
3 Boyes-Varley JG, Howes DG, Lownie JF, Blackbeard GA. Surgical Modifications to the Branemark Zygomaticus Protocol in the treatment of the severely resorbed Maxilla: A Clinical Report. Int. J Oral Maxillofac. Implants 2003;18:232–237.
4 Wang F, Monje A, Lin GH, Wu Y, Monje F, Wang HL, Davó R. Reliability of four zygomatic implantsupported prostheses for the rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015 Mar-Apr;30(2):293-8.
5 Jung RE, Al-Nawas B, Araujo M, Avila-Ortiz G, Barter S, Brodala N, Chappuis V, Chen B, De Souza A, Almeida RF, Fickl S, Finelle G, Ganeles J, Gholami H, Hammerle C, Jensen S, Jokstad A, Katsuyama H, Kleinheinz J, Kunavisarut C, Mardas N, Monje A, Papaspyridakos P, Payer M, Schiegnitz E, Smeets R, Stefanini M, Ten Bruggenkate C, Vazouras K, Weber HP, Weingart D, Windisch P. Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The influence of implant length and design and medications on clinical and patient-reported outcomes - Clin Oral Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 16:69-77.
6 Aparicio C, López-Piriz R, Albrektsson T. ORIS Criteria of Success for the Zygoma-Related Rehabilitation: The (Revisited) Zygoma Success Code. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2020;35:366–378.
7 Aparicio C, Balshi T J, Chow J, David L, Davo R, Mclellan G, Nicolopoulos C, Peñarrocha M, Pikos M A, Polido W, Zarrinkelk H, Malevez C. The Zygomatic Osteotomy Revisited. ZAGA Consensual Guide for Zygomatic Surgery Decision Taking. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2020 (accepted).