Straumann® SLActive®

Beyond hydrophilicity — the science of high performance

Distinct nano-structures present on the SLActive® surface27,28

Distinct nano-structures discovered on the SLActive® surface prove, that the SLActive® surface topography differs from that of SLA.®

Roxolid® SLA®

Roxolid® SLActive®

Nano-structures on SLActive® increase surface area by more than 50%25

Implant surface area increase: +50% more than Roxolid® SLA®.

How to maximize your implant surface?

  • Larger surface area in contact with bone enhances BIC*32
  • SLA®/SLActive® micro-roughness increases the surface area by at least 100% compared to the machined surface26
  • On top of this, nano-structures increase the SLActive® surface area by more than 50%25

*BIC = Bone to implant contact

Advanced in-vitro research shows nano-structures support early osseointegration23,24

Enhanced fibrin network formation on SLActive® with nano-structures.23,24 SEM imaging of fibrin network formation on Roxolid® SLActive® (15 min incubation with human whole blood).*

Roxolid® SLActive® surface without nano-structures**

Roxolid® SLActive® surface with nano-structures

The latest in-vitro research suggests that hydrophilicity alone does not fully explain the accelerated osseointegration associated with the SLActive® surface properties. New data indicates that nanostructures on the SLActive® surface support fibrin network formation and mineralization, thus facilitating the early phases of osseointegration. Indeed, SLActive® with nano-structures shows a higher level of fibrin network formation and bone cell mineralization compared to SLActive® without nano-structures (in vitro).23,24

* Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology.
** Experimental surface to study the effect of nanostructures

Higher bone cell mineralisation on SLActive® with nano-structure23,24

Mineralisation of human bone cells measured after 28 days laid on top of blood incubated surfaces. Summarized Ca2+ concentrations at the end of culture as a function of surface.*

* Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology.
** Experimental surface to study the effect of nanostructures

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