Axiom X3®
and PX profiles
Two body profiles for many bone situations
Innovation with a single focus on clinical performance
Axiom X3® and PX profiles are available for Axiom® bone level implants. Together, they cover many types of clinical and bone situations, two implant designs that continually break down clinical barriers, keep pace with evolving treatments, and aim to fulfill patient expectations.
Designed for universal bone anchorage
- Designed for fewer constraints in hard bone
- Different drilling protocols based on bone density
- Use in immediate treatment
Bone Care Desgin
- Minimally invasive with fewer drills
(compared to Axiom® REG)
Full control guidance
- Optimal guidance and insertion
- Designed for dynamic engagement
and optimized stability
Frictionless integration
- A unique conical connection
- Integration into most digital
platforms and flows
Reversed conical neck*
- Decreased cortical stress
*From Ø4.0 mm
Tapered design
- Bone condensation
- Designed for initial stability
in low-density bone
Deep symmetrical double thread
- Guiding effect, fast bone penetration
- Self-drilling and self-tapping
Fast penetration apex
- Designed for optimal anchorage
on the apical portion