17 July 2023 | Event |
Simeda® by Anthogyr Immersion day
The United Kingdom inaugurates the 1st Simeda® by Anthogyr "360° Immersion", an event crowned with success!

We were delighted to welcome dental laboratories from the UK to our first "360° Immersion" day, designed to give a behind-the-scenes look at the manufacture of Simeda® by Anthogyr customized prosthetic solutions. The 24-hour event was held at Anthogyr's CAD/CAM production center in Mersch, Luxembourg, in early June.
Committed to being close to our customers, we welcomed our visitors on the first day with a tour of Luxembourg City and dinner with the Mersch site teams.

On the second day, after an introduction to the Simeda® strategic solution by Rémi Cabot, General Manager of Anthogyr SA's production center in Mersch, our guests were taken on an immersive tour of the site and its facilities. The tour covered the entire process, from initial order to final inspection of the dental prostheses.
Dental laboratories had the opportunity to interact with our design, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), machining and quality control team leaders, enabling them to deepen their understanding of the techniques and technologies used in the production of customized prostheses. Dental technicians were also able to gain hands-on experience in handling Simeda® customized prostheses.
Last but not least, our visitors - mainly dental technicians, but also practitioners - were able to discuss their digital workflow practices.
The first "360° Immersion" in the world of Simeda® by Anthogyr was a great success, and a rich learning experience for UK dental laboratories.