
An inspiration may come from many different ways, like a trip or a book for example. However, for Dr. Geninho Thomé, his inspiration came from his medical oath. This moment of reflection, started him on the path of innovation to create new smiles for his patients. Watch the video and learn more about his story.

Click here to see how he achieved greatness.

Chapter 1


Being a dentist is not just a profession, it is a vocation. It is about dedicating your life to bring health and life quality to patients, it is about researching new treatments and solutions. It is a mission that requires dedication, persistence and, of course, talent.

Chapter 2


Within practice, a dentist can transform the lives of many. Gaining more and more experience it is possible to change the life quality of patients. Besides that, sharing the knowledge and mentoring others, a dentist can also contribute to grow the dentistry profession.

Chapter 3


You need determination to succeed, but only with courage you can go further than ever before. Get to know the dentists stories that have challenged their selves to get out of their comfort zones.

Share your story of greatness on your social network using #mygreatness.

Post photos, texts or videos telling your story of greatness in dentistry and how you have changed your patient’s lives through your Talent, Experience and Courage. Share to inspire others!



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