Celebrate the evolution

6th Edition of the Neodent Congress

May 18, 19 and 20, 2023 | Curitiba - PR


speakers from
different countries


hands on sessions and immersive practices




hours of content

100% Multidisciplinary




speakers from different countries


hands on sessions and immersive practices




hours of content

100% Multidisciplinary



confirmed act


The second day of the Neodent Congress will close with #NeodentParty, an unforgettable party with Thiaguinho, one of the biggest names in Brazilian music, with countless hits and thousands of fans in the country.

You will connect with:


Experts from several areas: esthetics, digital, implantology, orthodontics, periodontics...


Innovative technologies and solutions;


Current knowledge and practices.


Session Tracks

To facilitate your experience at the congress, the contents were organized into thematic tracks. However, you can choose any lecture you like.

Success Journey in Immediate Loading

Advanced periodontology apllied to oral implantology​

Immediate Loading: breaking paradigms​

Digital dentistry in daily practice​

Prosthetic principles leading to immediate loading success​

Ceramic implants: a new mindset

Success Journey in Immediate Loading

Advanced periodontology apllied to oral implantology​

Immediate Loading: breaking paradigms​

Digital dentistry in daily practice​

Prosthetic principles leading to immediate loading success​

Ceramic implants: a new mindset

Interdisciplinary and modern planning of the smile​


Ivete Sartori and Roberto Shimizu

Orthodontic Aligners on the reality of rehabilitation with implants
DATE 20/may | 11:10 am
MODERATOR: Cícero Dinato

Riad Almasri

Is there limits for immediate loading in full arch rehabilitations?
DATE 20/may | 11:55 am
MODERATOR: Cícero Dinato

Thiago Ottoboni and Paulo Vinícius

Smile aesthetics in conventional prostheses and on implants
DATE 20/may | 12:40 pm
MODERATOR: Cícero Dinato


Carlos Alexandre Câmara

Markus Sperlich

Mathias Sperlich

Eric Van Dooren

Ricardo Piña

Cristian Scognamiglio


Gustavo Ottoboni and Vinícius Machado

Simplifying guided surgery with EasyGuide
DATE 20/may | 12:00 pm
MODERATOR: Jean Uhlendorf

Gustavo de Deus

How to optimize rehabilitation results with ClearCorrect
DATE 20/may | 1:00 pm
MODERATOR: Jean Uhlendorf


Corey Raymond

Application of the Zi Implant: Review of Clinical Scenarios
DATE 20/may | 9:45 am
MODERATOR: Andrew Melenikiotis


Carlos Alexandre Câmara

Markus Sperlich

Mathias Sperlich

Eric Van Dooren

Ricardo Piña

Cristian Scognamiglio


Adam Hogan

“Zi-mmediacy” Achieving Consistently Predictable Beauty in Anterior Restorations
DATE 20/may | 09:00 am
MODERATOR: Elisa Sartori

Olivier Chéron and Enric Pintado

The use of digital workflow in rehabilitations with ceramic implants.
DATE 20/may | 10:00 am
MODERATOR: Elisa Sartori

Rubens Moreno

The applicability of zirconia implants in immediate and esthetic regions
DATE 20/may | 11:00 am
MODERATOR: Elisa Sartori


Federico Mandelli

How does digital dentistry improve prognosis in immediate esthetic cases
DATE 18/may | 6:30 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Florin Coffar and Eric Van Dooren

Bottlenecks in Digital Dentistry
DATE 19/may | 3:30 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Misagh Habibi

Concepts for success and predictability in full arch immediate loading
DATE 19/may | 4:20 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran


Leandro Nunes

How to achieve predictably with immediate loading: Surgical principles and protocols
DATE 19/may | 2:50 pm
MODERATOR: Alessandro Januário

Eduardo Ayub

Rehabilitation concepts for predictable immediate loading of oral implants
DATE 19/may | 3:20 pm
MODERATOR: Alessandro Januário


Ana Todorovic

One Abutment One Time Concept – A Tool for Evidence Based Practice.
DATE 19/may | 10:20 am
MODERATOR: Élcio Marcantonio

Marcelo Fontes

Guided surgery predictability with Narrow GM implants
DATE 19/may | 11:30 am
MODERATOR: Élcio Marcantonio


Gustavo Mazzey

The benefits and challenges of Digital Workflow In Implantology
DATE 19/may | 1:10 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Maja Chmielewska

Predictability in immediate loading rehabilitations with digital workflow
DATE 19/may | 2:00 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran


Cláudio Moretti, Thiago Dinato and Fernando Lopes

Round Table: Understanding the transition from conventional to digital flow with the Virtuo Vivo intraoral scanner
DATE 19/may | 11:20 am
MODERATOR: Bruno Matias

Alessandro Januário, Lucas Capeletti and Paulo Eduardo Pittas

Round Table: Digital surgical planning using coDiagnostix
DATE 19/may | 1:10 pm
MODERATOR: Paula Corvello


Cícero Dinato

Applications and practical advantages of digital flow in oral rehabilitation
DATE 19/may | 8:20 am
MODERATOR: Eloana Thomé

Mark Bishara

The prosthetic driven solution of an one hand guided surgery technique
DATE 19/may | 9:20 am
MODERATOR: Eloana Thomé


Marcos Motta and Sérgio Bernardes

Immediate loading for everyone: from general practitioner to specialist
DATE 19/may | 10:20 am
MODERATOR: Darceny Zanetta

Mathias and Markus Sperlich

Immediate Loading with ceramic implants: The performance of the Neodent ZI
DATE 19/may | 11:05 am
MODERATOR: Darceny Zanetta

Christian Navarro

Complete digital worflow in implantology
DATE 19/may | 11:50 am
MODERATOR: Darceny Zanetta


Luis Eduardo Padovan, Leandro Kluppel and Giuliano Luchi

Round Table: Autogenous graft and the evolution of Long GM and Zygoma GM implants
DATE 19/may | 8:00 am
MODERATOR: Ricardo Denardi

Flávio Neves and Fernanda Werneck

Round Table: Immediate loading in big complexity clinical cases
DATE 19/may | 09:40 am
MODERATOR: André Zétola


Pedro Rodrigues

Extreme cases solved in a simple way – Palatal approach – Full Arch Plus Concept
DATE 19/may | 3:30 pm


Julia Wittneben

Effective soft tissue management around dental implants- from a prosthodontic perspective 
DATE 19/may | 8:30 am
MODERATOR: Alessandro Januário

Ricardo Kern and Maristela Lobo

Tissue regeneration associated with immediate loading
DATE 19/may | 9:15 am
MODERATOR: Alessandro Januário

Alessandro Januário

Implants associated with cosmetic surgeries for gummy smile correction
DATE 19/may | 5:10 pm
MODERATOR: Leandro Nunes


Rafael Metropolo

Tissue management optimizing the peri-implant architecture
DATE 19/may | 4:30 pm
MODERATOR: Leandro Nunes


Cesar Rodriguez Sitú

Bone biomaterial substitutes: how to choose the ideal in rehabilitation with implants
DATE 19/may | 12:30 pm
MODERATOR: Tatiana Deliberador

Ricardo Ciantelli

Periodontal regeneration: more aesthetic predictability in your clinical cases
DATE 19/may | 1:30 pm
MODERATOR: Tatiana Deliberador


Geninho Thomé

Immediate loading: 30 years setting your clinical practice apart
DATE 18/may | 3:10 pm

Carlos Araujo and Ivete Sartori

The evolution of internal conical junctions : from biology to esthetics
DATE 18/may | 4:50 pm
MODERATOR: Sérgio Bernardes

Tom Berry and David Sylvester II

Demystifying the Atrophic Maxilla
DATE 18/may | 5:40 pm
MODERATOR: Sérgio Bernardes


Fábio Persegani, William Simões and Rafael Zetehaku

Round table: fundamentals of clinical surgical planning
DATE 18/may | 3:10 pm
MODERATOR: Rogéria Acedo

Cícero Dinato, Vinícius Machado and Juliana Duarte

Round Table: The evolution of Guided surgery
DATE 18/may | 4:30 pm
MODERATOR: Marcelo Ferraro

Rodrigo Girondo and André Berbel

Round Table: Adding the benefit of immediate loading with safety to your patient
DATE 18/may | 5:50 pm
MODERATOR: Maria Angélica Araújo


Daniel Guião

Reverse planning: more predictability in your rehabilitations
DATE 18/may | 3:10 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Felipe Miguel Saliba

Understanding the macrogeometry of the Helix GM implant for immediate loading
DATE 18/may | 4:10 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Élcio Marcantonio and Rose Patriota

Acondicionamiento de tejidos blandos en espacios interdentales estrechos
DATE 18/may | 5:10 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

Arantza Rodriguez

One abutment one time concept in immediate rehabilitation
DATE 18/may | 6:10 pm
MODERATOR: Mauro Gebran

also meet

Ortho Day

To integrate to evolve