
We believe that clinical experience is the foundation for professionals to master their skills. Neodent has a strong partnership with ILAPEO, the Latin American Institute of Dental Research and Education, an internationally renowned center of excellence in research and continued education in dental clinical practice.

Since its founding in 2004, more than 3,000 professionals from around the world have been trained at ILAPEO with experienced professors and dedicated staff members that lead the doctors to a substantial experience for their professional life.

Main Benefits

Treatment Experience

Get confidence through a comprehensive practical education including patient treatment.

Treatment Techniques

Differentiate dental practice by offering patients most advanced convenient treatment techniques such as immediacy.

Treatment options

Increase the possibility of different treatments that you can offer to patients.

Professional training and continuing development in implant dentistry at ILAPEO


A modern and complete structure for teaching the most advanced techniques


The Team

A rare opportunity to train with the elite masters and trainers of ILAPEO, an institution made up of professionals, teachers and researchers whose aim for the last 14 years has been to offer recognized and certified intensive, postgraduate, specialist and master’s courses.

Prof. Geninho Thomé

Scientific President of Neodent.
President of the Board of Neodent, Director of Research and Development of the Latin American Institute of Dental Research and Education (ILAPEO - Curitiba, Brazil), Founder and President of Neoortho, Ph.D. in Clinical Odontology. Centro de Pesquisas Odontológicas São Leopoldo Mandic, SLMANDIC, Brasil, Professional Master Studies in Implantology . Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, UNICASTELO, Brasil, Specialization in Implantology. Escola de Aperfeiçoamento Profissional da Associação dos Cirurgiões Dentistas, EAP-ACDC, Brasil, Specialization in Periodontics. Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil,  Graduation in Dentistry . Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brasil. 

Prof. Rubens Moreno de Freitas

Graduated in Dentistry at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (2008), Research Fellowship in LAPCR - Augusta University, Augusta / GA, USA (2012 -2013) and doctorate in dentistry with emphasis on Implantology at UNESP, Araraquara / SP, Brazil (2013). He is currently professor of the Master’s degree in Implantology and International Courses Coordinator at ILAPEO (Latin American Institute for Dental Research Education), Curitiba / PR, Brazil.

Prof. Luis Eduardo Padovan

Master and Doctor of Surgery and Maxillofacial of UNESP – Universidade Federal Paulista, Prof. Associate Fellow of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF IMPLANT DENTISTRY – AAID, Professor of Postgraduate Course Doctor – Master in Implantology of the ILAPEO, Scientific Consultant of Neodent.

Prof. Sergio Rocha Bernardes

B.D.S. at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Specialist in Dental Prosthesis at the APDC/Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, Specialist in Implantology at the CFO, Brazilian Dental Council, Brazil, MSc in Oral Rehabilitation at the Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil, PhD in Oral Rehabilitation at the São Paulo University/FORP, Brazil with a collaborative research at Eastman Dental Institute, London.

Prof. Andrew Sotirios Melenikiotis

Graduated from Dental School at the University of Sao Paulo, from 1986 to 1990, Specialization (post graduate course) in implantology at FAPES -Sao Paulo from 2008-2010, Masters program in Implantology at ILAPEO – Curitiba from 2014-2016, Senior School at the British School in Sao Paulo (St.Paul’s School). Activities: Private Practice in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 1992 to present, Assistant Professor at FUNDECTO at the University of Sao Paulo in Implantology from 2004-2014, Professor of the International Courses in Implantology at ILAPEO-Curitiba from 2015 to present.

Prof. Eloana Thomé

Education: PhD in Implantology, São Leopoldo Mandic School - Campinas, Master in Implantology by the Latin American Institute for Dental Education and Research - ILAPEO, Specialist in Implantology by ABO-PR, Specialist in Dental Prosthesis by the Odontologist Union of the State of Paraná - SOEPAR, Graduation in Dentistry by PUCPR in 1996.

Prof. Rogeria Acedo

Master in Implantology, ILAPEO, Curitiba, PR (2009). Specialization in Implantology from the University Tuiutí of Paraná (2003). Graduated in Dentistry from the University of São Francisco (1977), currently is Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Implant Dentistry and Coordinator of Intensive Courses of Immediate Charge with Cone Morse at ILAPEO. Experience in Dentistry with emphasis on Implantology, working mainly with immediate loading, guided surgery and advanced surgery.

Prof Mariana Schaffer Brackmann

Graduation in Dentistry from Federal University of Paraná (2004). Specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Federal University of Paraná (2008). Master in Dentistry - Implantology by ILAPEO (2016)

Prof Paola Rebelatto Alcântara

Graduation in Dentistry from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (1998). Specialization in Periodontics (APCD / Bauru). Specialization in Implantology, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTPR). Master in Dentistry - Implantology (ILAPEO).