Straumann at ITI World Symposium 2014
Geneva, Switzerland - April 24-26, 2014
Straumann Corporate Forum, April 24th, 2014
Presentation #1 - Straumann – 60 years of scientific driven innovations - Prof. Dr. David L. Cochran

Speaker: Prof. Dr. David L. Cochran, US
Prof. Dr. David L. Cochran is a graduate of the University of Virginia and received his D.D.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Medical College of Virginia (MCV). He was trained in Periodontology at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine where he also obtained a second Master's degree. He recently received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bern in Switzerland. Dr. Cochran is currently Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Dental School. Prior to his appointment at San Antonio, Prof. Cochran was Director of Postgraduate Periodontics at MCV. Prof. Cochran is a member of many professional dental organizations and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He is a fellow of the American College of Dentistry and the International College of Dentistry. Prof. Cochran has published numerous scientific articles and abstracts on various periodontal, biochemistry, and implant topics. He has received awards for his research work at both the national and international levels. Prof. Cochran is an active basic science and clinical researcher who has received funding from both the NIH-NIDCR and private industry.
The Institute Straumann has a long history of innovation and scientifically based product development leading to enhanced patient care. Professor Reinhard Straumann founded the Institute Straumann in 1954 based on two innovative special metal alloys that he patented for the Swiss watch industry. In the 1960’s Fritz Straumann, son of Reinhard began working with the Swiss Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (AO/ASIF) and its research institute. This allowed the development of materials and manufacturing for implants to be used throughout the body. The collaboration allowed the Institute Straumann to become a world leader in internal fixation devices. With Dr. André Schroeder at the University of Bern in the 1970’s, the Institute Straumann began to research, develop and produce dental implants. Schroeder and Straumann realized that replacing teeth required an interplay of metallurgy, mechanics and biology and they proceeded to scientifically investigate materials, shapes and surfaces for dental implants. These studies have continued and have brought further innovation.
Such innovation has resulted in the non-submerged Tissue Level implant, the sand-blasted and acid etched implant surface SLA® and the latest surface technology, the chemically active and osteoconductive SLActive® surface. Additionally, as experts with a long history in metal and innovation in internal fixation, Straumann has developed new materials for dental implants including the revolutionary titanium/zirconium metal alloy Roxolid® and the new tooth colored ceramic zirconia oxide implant specially manufactured to create an SLA® like surface called the ZLA™ surface. Roxolid® Implants with the SLActive® surface represent a new standard in implant dentistry due to their exceptional strength and highly reactive/osteoconductive surface allowing for small diameter and shorter implant lengths. Likewise, the zirconia oxide implant brings a new standard in esthetic areas with a highly osteoconductive bone surface and a color to better match native tissues. These latest scientifically driven innovations are the natural evolution of products from the Institute Straumann where discovery and product development for patient care has been occurring for over 60 years!
Presentation #2 - Is the dogma of using the largest diameter still valid? Straumann® Roxolid Implants - Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Bilal Al-Nawas

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Bilal Al-Nawas, Germany
Full time Professor and Medical Director at the Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery at the J. Gutenberg University of Mainz. Since September 2009 Adjunctive Associate Professor at Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea.
Graduated in Dentistry and Medicine and affiliated to the University of Mainz for more than 10 years. His major clinical and scientific focus is implant dentistry which includes clinical studies and basic research. Clinical work fields are compromised patients with risk factors or local bone deficiency, but also tumor and cleft reconstructions. He published over 100 publications in peer reviewed journals and is a Fellow of the ITI Section Germany. In 2006 and 2010 he was awarded “Best Teacher at the Medical Faculty”. Since 2012 he is a speaker of the University Medical Center Focus: BiomaTiCS – Biomaterials, Tissues and Cells.
Implant dimensions have been in the focus of clinical discussions in the last years. Hardware modifycations with modern alloys like Roxolid and modified implant neck design have led to increased interest in this topic. Especially the possible reduction of the rate of augmentations is of high interest and might reduce patient morbidity and costs. This year the ITI Consensus Conference has defined clinical indications in which narrow diameter implants are indicated. This has lead to a separate definition of indications for the one-piece so called “Mini-Implants” compared to the standard two-piece implants. Two piece narrow diameter implants of 3.3 – 3.5 mm are within the focus of discussion regarding their use in “highly load bearing” regions. The lecture will introduce this very recent ITI statement based on a recent review.
Presentation #3 - Because length matters – short dental implants - Prof. Dr. med. dent. Christoph Hämmerle

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Christoph Hämmerle, Germany
Prof. Christoph Hämmerle’s main scientific interest lies on the biological and prosthetic aspects of the treatment with dental implants. His clinical focus is on the comprehensive treatment of complex, partially edentulous patients applying all options available in reconstructive dentistry. As chairman of the department for fixed and removable prosthodontics and dental materials science he supervises several lines of research. Prof. Hämmerle serves on the board of several professional associations. He has published numerous scientific articles and lectured broadly internationally.
Patient wellbeing is in the center of modern implant dentistry. Success of treatment and long-term maintenance of the result are two important factors. Equally important is the stress inflicted on the patient resulting from therapy. Treatment pathways associated with lower morbidity, and costs and time are progressively preferred. In this context an increasing body of evidence indicates that implants with shorter length than normal will lead to successful clinical outcomes. The clinician is often confronted with a bone morphology that does not allow placing implants in a prosthetically ideal position without concomitant bone augmentation procedures. Even though augmentation procedures have been demonstrated to be successful, they are associated with significantly increased morbidity, cost and time needed for therapy. Based on recent evidence short implants with rough surfaces appear to have similar survival rates as standard-length implants. Thus, short implants have become an alternative to bone augmentation procedures in various clinical situations and are more widely used in other indications as well. Possible benefits associated with the use of short implants encompass: less diagnostic procedures (e.g. DVT) necessary, lower risk of damage to adjacent structures (root, nerves, vessels, sinuses), avoiding large augmentation procedures, less diagnostic and surgical skills necessary, lower patient morbidity, less complications, lower costs, shorter treatment time.
Presentation #4 - New opportunities in implant dentistry – Ceramic implants - Dr. med. dent. Michael Gahlert

Moderator: Dr. med. dent. Michael Gahlert, Germany
Dr. Gahlert studied at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he obtained his diploma as a dentist. He has a Doctorate in the area of experimental microbiology and has worked in the Oral Surgery Department of the University Clinic of Freiburg with further training in the areas of dentoalveolar surgery, periodontology and implant dentistry.
In 1990 he obtained his diploma as a dental surgeon, and joined the practice of Professor Dr. Heinz Kniha in Munich, focussing on implant dentistry and periodontology.
He is a fellow of the International Team of Implantology (ITI), and was a member of its Development Commission. In 2001 he initiated the first development project related to the ceramic implant, starting at the Technical University in Munich.
He is a member of the University Clinic of Basel since 2011, where he does scientific collaboration at the high-tech research area of Basel University Hospital under the leadership of Professor Hans Florian Zeilhofer. Additional research has been done in co-operation with the University of Bern Dental Clinic, the University of Munich’s Institute of Anatomy, and the Medical Health Centre in San Antonio under the leadership of Prof. Dr. David Cochran.
Ceramic implants, out of zirconium-dioxide, have come in the focus of the discussion in the recent years. Compared to the well-established titanium implants, ceramic implants can now be used as a valuable alternative in clinical practice. Ceramic dental implants can offer new clinical opportunities, such as the treatment of challenging esthetic cases or for patients with specific demands.
Micro-rough surfaces are one of the key factors for predictable and successful osseointegration for titanium implants. An implant surface with equivalent surface characteristics like the well proven SLA surface has been developed for ceramic implants. Recent preclinical studies compare the biomechanical and histological bone tissue response of a novel ceramic implant to the well-established titanium implant with SLA surface. Results are showing no statistically significant differences at any time point between both materials, indicating an excellent osseointegration performance also for the ceramic implants.
In addition the clinical performance of this ceramic dental implant has been evaluated in a prospective multicenter trial. Success- and survival rates of 97.6% and pleasing esthetic results after one year indicate the potential of a safe and predictable use of ceramic dental implants in clinical use.