Straumann at the EAO 2016
Paris, France - September 29th – October 1st, 2016
2016's meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration focused on treatment planning and decision making. There was a wealth of plenary sessions, presentations and hands-on trainings complemented by clinical research competitions. As diamond sponsor, Straumann® not only exhibited its latest products but also hosted a satellite industry symposium.
Straumann Satellite Industry Symposium, September 29th 2016
Under the umbrella topic “Improved treatment protocols – affordability and productivity” Mario Roccuzzo, Arndt Happe and German Gallucci discussed "How to select the right implant for an indication? What are the key factors for success with implants in the esthetic zone? And which treatment solutions exist for edentulous patients? In case you could not attend the symposium, you still have the possibility to watch the presentations.
Presentation #1 - How to select the right implant for an indication - Dr. Mario Roccuzzo

Speaker: Dr. Mario Roccuzzo, Italy
Dr. Mario Roccuzzo graduated cum laude from the School of Dental Medicine of Torino, Italy, in 1987 and attended postgraduate education in Periodontology in Stockholm, Sweden, and at the University of Siena, Italy. He conducts research in the fields of periodontal plastic surgery, bone regeneration, early loading of implants and implants in periodontally compromised patients. Mario Roccuzzo is faculty member of the Division of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Torino and lecturer for periodontology at this university. He is an invited speaker in more than 30 countries of all continents and an active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology, an ITI fellow, and member of the ITI Leadership Committee. Dr. Roccuzzo is a member of the Editorial Board of the Clinical Oral Implants Research, The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, and The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry.
He has been awarded for the best clinical presentation on implants in periodontally compromised patients at the 2009 EAO Congress in Montecarlo and for the best published research article on the same subject by the German Society of Periodontology in 2010. He was also the winner of the 2013 Osteology Clinical Research Prize on the study “Long-term stability of soft tissues around implants following ridge preservation”. Dr. Roccuzzo has a private practice active in the fields of periodontology and implantology, in Torino.
Patients’ expectations have tremendously increased in the last years. One of the greatest challenges clinicians face is to select the correct implant in order to obtain an ideal long-term soft-tissue integration that mimics a perfect gingival contour and prevents the formation of pockets and/or recessions. A decision making process will be applied to the treatment of edentulous areas in the various regions of the mouth. Different surgical approaches will be shown –step by step– particularly in compromised sites, due to trauma, atrophy, periodontal disease and/or infection, where ideal positioning and primary stability are not easy to achieve. A new surface for a possible better soft-tissue integration will finally be presented.
Why should an implantologist see the presentation?
To select the correct implant in order to obtain an ideal long-term soft-tissue integration that mimics a perfect gingival contour and prevents the formation of pockets and/or recessions.
Presentation #2 - Key factors for success with implants in the esthetic zone - Dr. Arndt Happe

Speaker: Dr. Arndt Happe, Germany
Dr. Arndt Happe graduated from the University of Münster, Germany, as a Doctor of Dental Medicine in 1994. He spent three years as a resident for Professor Dr. Fouad Khoury at the private Clinic for Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry in Olsberg and graduated in Oral Surgery in 1999. Since then he has established a renowned private and referral practice in Münster, treating implant, perio, restorative and esthetic cases. He obtained an advanced degree in Implantology (2000) and Periodontology (2004) from the German Societies for Implantology and Periodontology respectively. Since 2010 he has been a research fellow and external lecturer at the University of Cologne; and in 2013, he received his postdoctoral lecture qualification. Dr. Happe presently holds an Assistant Professorship at the University of Cologne.
In the maxillary anterior area, the esthetic outcome is a critical determinant in the overall success of implant therapy and yet remains a challenge. Besides osseointegration, a long-lasting soft tissue integration is a key factor for implant success. However, restorative components may interact with the peri-implant soft tissue that serves as a biological seal and may have an impact on the outcome. This peri-implant restorative interface is a highly relevant subject for scientific research, as it may be the key to longevity of implant restorations and sustainability of implant esthetics. Various factors have been identified and reported to interact with the peri-implant tissues, respectively influence the vertical localization of the crestal bone and the dimension and localization of the peri-implant soft tissues. These are the individual morphotype, the peri-implant tissue quality, the restorative environment, and the property of the abutment, including the abutment connection type.
The presentation will give an overview of the main factors that may influence the outcome of esthetic implant treatments. It will show proven protocols that allow for successful treatment of demanding patients.
Presentation #3 - Treatment solutions for the edentulous patient - Dr. German O. Gallucci

Speaker: Dr. German O. Gallucci , USA
Dr. German O. Gallucci is the Chair of the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences and the Head of the Division of Regenerative and Implant Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA. He obtained his Doctorate in Dental Medicine from the Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Gallucci actively participates in clinical research related to implant prosthodontics and digital dentistry. His work has been published in international peer reviewed journals and he is a member of the editorial board for several scientific dental journals. Dr. Gallucci is an invited lecturer in international and national conferences and congresses. He is fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), Switzerland, and active member of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), USA, the European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO), the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP), and the International Academy of Dental Research (IADR), USA.
Treatment of edentulous patients with fixed implant rehabilitations has been largely discussed in peer reviewed publications and scientific meetings worldwide. This is in part due to the vast scientific evidence harvested since the beginning of implant dentistry on this specific clinical indication. Today, several protocols for reducing treatment time and improving prosthodontic design are being proposed; however, scientific evidence of modern clinical trials calls for a critical assessment. Treatment sequence will be presented and categorized according to their corresponding prosthetic designs. This lecture intends to present in a systematic way clinical, scientific, and implant related information leading to translational clinical recommendations in the treatment of edentulous jaws with fixed prosthesis.
Objectives: upon completion of this lecture participants should be able to:
- Assess different implant prosthodontic designs
- Discuss different loading protocols
- Evaluate long-term treatment outcome