Straumann® TLC | Clinical Case

Lower full arch surgery involved removal of old implants

Followed by immediate placement of 4 Straumann® TLC implants, ∅ 3.75 mm x 10 mm (44, 42, 32), ∅ 3.75mm x 12 mm (34) SLActive®, Roxolid® and immediate temporary restoration.

Dr. Louwrens Swart

  • Pre Operative X-ray, the diagnosis revealed that implants had to be explanted

  • 19Straumann® TLC MISSING CONTENT Pre Operative X-ray, the diagnosis revealed that implants had to be explanted Initial intraoral situation of the lower jaw showing 20 years old implants

  • Implants removal

  • Osteotomy preparation

  • Straumann® TLC Implant placement, 3.75 mm x 10 mm (44, 42, 32), 3.75 mm x 12 mm (34), SLActive®, Roxolid®

  • Healing abutment

  • Radiographic control

  • Loading within 48 hours, provisional restoration