Straumann Live at the AEEDC in Dubai

"As clinicians, we have to be prepared to receive a new generation of informed patients"

Dr. Mohsin Al-Naamani, Oman

At this year´s edition of the AEEDC in Dubai we focus on scientific evidence in patient-centric treatments with special consideration on edentulism, long-term success, predictable treatment outcomes and pleasing esthetics (Straumann AEEDC brochure). On this occasion, we have interviewed renowned dentists from different countries in the area.  Watch the interview with Dr. Mohsin Al-Naamani from the Sultanate of Oman where he speaks about the importance of digitalization, patient expectations, and the question of a wide portfolio range vs. “one for all”.

Dr. Mohsin Al-Naamani 

Senior Consultant in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Commanding Officer at the Military Dental Center in Oman. Senior Dental Officer for the Armed Forces Dental Services. Trainer and Educational Committee Member at the Oman Medical Specialty Board. Reviewer of Sultan Qaboos Medical Journal Oman. Editor-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Medical Magazine (Medletter). Speaker on local and international level. Member of The International Team of Implantology (ITI). Major Interests: staff development and dental implantology.