Minh Tran

Minh Tran, RDT, is a dental technician from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Having been in the industry since 2006, and his experience primarily as a CAD/CAM dental technician, Minh was one of the first users of 3shape Dental System in Canada and brings a wealth of knowledge.

He is an author, lecturer, trainer, and has been a speaker, consultant, and technical advisor for multiple companies including 3shape, Asiga, Argen, core3dcentres north america, Fullcontour, Pritidenta, DAL, Sierra dental, Abutment direct, and Medentika.

Minh has served on numerous committees, has been published, and sits on the editorial board for numerous industry publications including Spectrum, IDT, LMT, and DTG Magazines. Minh is a member of various societies and study groups including the American Prosthodontic Society where he currently serves on the communications committee.

He is the founder and creative director of DentalTechTips, an online independent publication and blog focusing on unbiased product reviews, offering tips, tricks, tutorials, and the latest and greatest in the dental laboratory industry.