Marisa Zenha

Dr Marisa Zenha received her dental degree in 2007 from ISCS-N, Porto, Portugal and her Diploma of Advanced Studies from University of Dentistry of Barcelona, Spain in 2009. She then finished her Post-Graduation in Oral Rehabilitation and Occlusion, in ISCS-N, Porto, Portugal in 2010. She has been in private practise in Porto since 2007, focusing on aesthetic and implantology. She is guest assistant at the Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery Service of the Vila Nova de Gaia Hospital in Portugal where she participates in oral tumour surgeries, clinical follow-up of patients with head and neck disorders, oral rehabilitation of cancer patients and follow-up of temporomandidbular dysfunction patients and orofacial pain. She is a member of various dental societies and has published both nationally and internationally, and has also lectured several dental implant courses in Portugal.

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