Thomas Truninger

Dr. med. dent. – Specialist in Reconstructive Dentistry, Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry. Specialist in Oral Implantology and General Dentistry, Swiss Society of Dentists (SSO). Dr. Truninger graduated summa cum laude in dentistry from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2003. He then specialized in Reconstructive Dentistry and Implantology at the Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science, attending the postgraduate program under Prof. Ch. Haemmerle from 2008-2011. Since 2013 he has taught Implantology and Reconstructive Dentistry as an instructor and senior teaching and research assistant at the University of Zurich. He also runs a fully digital private practice focusing on Implantology, Surgery and Esthetic Reconstructive Dentistry in the heart of Zurich since 2014. His research interests include implantology and digital workflows with tooth- and implant-supported reconstructions.