Jochen Tunkel

Specialized in periodontology and oral surgery. He and Dr.Carolin Tunkel, specialist for orthodontics in Bad Oeynhausen(Ostwestfalen, Germany) set up a joint practice in 2007.Following his state exams at the Bavarian Julius-MaximilianUniversity of Würzburg the dedicated dentist moved to theperiodontal polyclinic of the Universities of Würzburg (1999-2000) and Münster (2000-2003). From 2004 to 2015, Dr.Tunkel was a lecturer and visiting lecturer at the Polyclinic forPeriodontology at University Hospital Münster (Director: Prof.Dr. Benjamin Ehmke). In 2004 the periodontologist also qualifiedin implantology (DGI, BDIZ) and until 2006 worked as a trainingassistant at the private dental clinic Schloss Schellenstein/Olsberg (Germany). In 2006 he qualified as a Master of OralMedicine in Implantology (MOM) at the International MedicalCollege, Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster. His shareshis know-how in periodontology and implantology, for example,as a visiting and supervisory consultant at the German Society ofImplantology & Periodontology (DGI/DGP)/APW. Dr. Tunkel is anITI fellow and speaker. His practice is a “Competence Center” forallogeneic bone plates in bone regeneration and is accredited bythe European Centers for Dental Implantology (ECDI). Since 2012the practice has been a Straumann® Emdogain® Training Center.

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