Min-Young Kim

After studying dentistry at the Hannover Medical School (state examination and license to practice medicine in 2000), Min-Young Kim was also active there in research and teaching. In 2004 he settled in his own practice in Osnabrück, Germany together with Dr. Barbara Herzog (Kim & Herzog dental practice). His main areas of activity are periodontology and implantology. Min-Young Kim is a certified implantologist of the German Society for Implantology (DGI) and co-author in the textbook series "Practice of Dentistry" in the field of periodontal surgery. He passed on his know-how in numerous lectures and teaches as a guest lecturer at the Medicine School of Hanover and as a speaker at the Lower Saxony Dental Association (2004-2006). In 2006, he received his certification on the subject of “digital volume tomography in accordance with the GMBl. Later on, in 2014, Dr. Kim was certified in the area of “Dental inhalation sedation”.

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